Writing elected officials—anyone already drafted a letter?

The total chaos that has followed from the injunction imposed on the SAVE plan and other income based payment plans is rendering me speechless.

I want to write my representatives, but I don’t know where to begin. I’m looking to see if anyone has already written a letter that they would be willing to share. I need the facts.

How many detrimentally relied on the government telling us to refinance hundreds of thousands of dollars in loans for SAVE then pulled the rug out from under us? Is anyone filing competing lawsuits? If not, why? How have lending and consumer protection laws not been broken despite what the promissory notes say? What other information has been cited in amicus briefs that would be of interest?

Unfortunately, my representatives couldn’t care less about helping anyone except themselves. They are some of the worst. However, that doesn’t mean I intend to sit here and do nothing so if you have a letter already please share with the class!