Parent Plus Loans

Parent Plus Loans are the biggest scam ever created. Rant over.

I’ve roughly 75-80k in PPL and my parents are…. Anxiously waiting for something to happen with these loans.

What I don’t 100% know and I don’t think my parents understand at all-is there a way to get these OUT of their name and INTO my name?

I know there is a double consolidation that makes them eligible for other payment plans-but I’m weary that it’ll even be available given then current political environment.

I know I need to pay these, but I’m looking for some options. I’d be a lot less stressed if they were in MY name.

Realistically, what am I looking at here? My end goal for my student loans is to pay the bare minimum until it’s paid off, I die, or until the Fed straightens up and forgives whatever they can.

Short term goal: get them out of parents name and into my name, so suggestions on that would be beneficial.
