Nelnet…..why play these games!!!
Nelnet …..SAD…
I’m thinking I’m paying my student loan bills every month because I get my bill from ECSI every month and I’ve been paying them. Today, I see on my credit report that nelnet tanked my credit score down 75 damn points today because I’m past due 90 days. I’m thinking like who is nelnet!?! I look through all my emails even the ones I’ve had back then that I barely use and I see they reached out to an email that I haven’t used in 7 years about my bill. I’m thinking like how did they get that email ?? 😐. I’m so confused.
So I call them (I know it’s Sunday) and put in my information and they cannot find me when I put in my zip code which is confusing. I do remember months back then my granny called me asking who was nelnet and they were looking for me. I’m thinking to myself like who??!! And how did they get her number🙃. That’s not my loan company and why I’m not getting any letters in the mail nor phone calls from them ???🤔I’ve had the same number for the past 10 years and my address been different after 6 years. Why now is there any problems?!! 😣I’m thinking they have my old address on file from when I was in college and I haven’t lived there in 6 years. Hopefully tomorrow I can call them to see what’s going on but WOW….MY SCORE WENT DOWN 75 points!!! 🥹.