Squat Tempo and Hypertrophy

Heyo, just discovered this subreddit trying to find some answers. Glad to have found a place I can unleash my gym nerd (not that I hold back). I am struggling to find info on impact of tempo and hypertrophy in barbell squats.

Not gonna lie, 99% of the issue is that I thoroughly detest reading in general, including studies. Very grateful they exist, but I do genuinely struggle.

Background for my rep/set ratio and progressive overload: If I squat: 35kg, 3-4 sets, 8-12 reps, over 12 sessions and theoretically, progressive overload is: - session 1= I achieved 8×3 (0-1rir), add 1 set next session. - session 2 = achieved 8×4 (0-1rir), add 2 reps per set next - session. - session 3 = 10×3... and so on. - Until I reach a 12×4 or 15×3, which indicates I can add 2.5kg-5kg to the load.

Following so far? This is just background info. It makes me happy, numbers go up, metal plates get bigger, make brain go brrrrrrrr.

Here's where my issue is. - Slow eccentric (3 seconds) = High Fatigue = need big rest between sets = leads to no increase in reps or sets = :( - Fast eccentric (0-1 second) = Lower systemic fatigue = need less rest between sets = reps increase = brain happy. Mind you, I'm still VERY disciplined form wise. Even with fast eccentric, I'm very controlled.

What will be better for hypertrophy? I know a lot of the "standard" advice is to go slow on eccentrics, but I'm also that in general, fitness advice hasn't exactly caught up with more recent scientific evidence.

Anyone know anything on this topic?

Thank you in advance!