Did the matchmaking in ranked get worse this season?

I’ve been playing since release, and matchmaking has always been an issue, but this season feels like it’s gotten even worse. I get that the player base isn’t huge, and I don’t mind playing with lower ranks. The problem is that ranks aren't balanced between teams.

Tonight, I SoloQ’d and got three unfair matches in a row. Topfragged every time, but my team still lost because the enemy team had a huge rank advantage. One game we were two Atoms, two Molecules, and one Substance III, while the enemy team was full of Atoms except for one Molecule. That Substance III player kept apologising for not getting kills, but how was he even supposed to stand a chance?

Stuff like this just makes me think this game isn’t doing itself any favours when it comes to keeping new players around. Who’s gonna want to keep playing when the matchmaking throws them right at the start into matches like that?

Last week, I've had the worst match I've ever had: I was the only Atom on my team, up against Atoms and a PROTON, while my team was all Molecules. Like… how is that fair and why is it even possible??

Because of this, I keep bouncing between Atom II and Atom I over and over. I honestly don’t mind losing when the matches feel fair, but when you’re getting stomped just because of broken matchmaking, it’s just frustrating... I just don't understand why it hasn't been fixed fixed by now...