ADHD meds doesn't seem to be worth it.
First of all, I decided to write my post there cuz subreddit for ADHD is oversensitive and not helpfull at all.
My dosage is 30mg + 30mg. My meds are Medikinet Cr 30mg.
I must say that getting diagnosed and getting meds turned out as bummer for me. Medikinet is absolute trash, it works for about 1,5-2h and then I have a crash and my ADHD symptoms are getting so much worse than before taking meds. I adore the calmness and ability to execute "boring task" with focus, but when I want to execute them I must be fast as fuck boy cuz the crash is waiting for me. Also, 30mg is dose when I feel a little calmed but it's still not it, and to required effects I have to take 60mg at once and then, after few hours, redose another 60mg.
Also, in desperation I've tried to snort it and it works slighlty better (+ my tummy don't hurt, this medikinet shit really fuck up ur stomach) but it's still shit. This short duration and following crashes doesn't seem to be worth it and at this point I think about not taking ADHD meds at all. Also, I feel like zombie after and from my research I can see that a lot of ADHD ppl/recrational uses claims that Ritalin/Medikinet is working good for 1-5 days only to turn you into zombie after that.
Shit dude, even very small doses of meth (medical doses) that in past I used to take in the morning to self-medicate were more potent and helpfull for ADHD - you snort very short line, you are fine to get thorugh your day with calmness, ability to focus and execute task, and at the end of the day, when effects are washing off u just go to sleep.
The only people who seem to admire this shitty adhd meds are people who give vibe "i base my personality around adhd, and I've found that I have adhd on tik-tok'.
I feel like Medikinet/Ritalin did me a lot more damage than fucking Meth did (again, on medical doses, not recrational, crackhead doses).
At this point I think about trying to microdose Acid to help with my adhd.