Late night zoomies…. HELP
Hello everyone…. Well Tiberius has been with me for two weeks now. He has his good days and bad days but lately I’ve noticed he gets the late night zoomies BAD. Like really bad. Almost Linda Blair “Exorcist” level bad to where he doesn’t just nip but bites. I try to divert his attention with chew toys and other things but it doesn’t seem to help…. I’ve yelled at him a couple of times and I always feel horrible afterwards. I don’t know what to do. My vet said I have to wait till his second round of vaccinations before I can enroll him in puppy kindergarten, and that’s going to be about two weeks I have to wait. I’ve been taking him outside for a half hour a day in the backyard hoping he’ll burn off some energy but come 9 o’clock he turns into a wild man. Does anyone have any suggestions? Much appreciated…