I’m slightly concerned with the lack of content currently available

This is my second post sharing complaints about the game, but that’s not because I dislike the game, it’s because of the opposite, I love the concept of the game, and I fear it’ll die relatively quickly, which would suck.

But this is my concern, currently, the amount of content doesn’t leave players with much of a reason to stick around in my opinion, the campaign was good, and then you have the operations, but once you’ve done those, they are done, there isn’t much to keep players playing.

I get that some players will grind the missions on repeat to unlock cosmetics, I’m one of them, but it seems less fun when I know by the time I’ve got those cosmetics, the player base would have dropped off.

Most people won’t keep replaying the same six missions on repeat, so the only option left is the pvp, which is ok, it has a bunch of issues, like a lack of balancing, no incentive to continue playing if your team is clearly losing, a lack of maps etc.

But my point is, looking at the roadmap, the game requires the content being added in season 3-4 sooner to ensure there is enough content to keep the bulk of the player base around.

For the glory of the emperor!