Has this game improved sinxd launch?

I havnt played it given the heady negative reviews when it was first released. However they still trickle DLC stuff. Was wondering if the chages/added anything to improve it?

I'm kinda looking for something mindless and repetitive, but I want to make sure the gameplay was decent. From what iv seen in the videos, it's looks ok.

I know it's nothing like the first 2 games, so I'm not going to compare it to those. Especially since the gameplay is so different.

Are the lobbies pretty empty at this point?

Is it at least a 6?

Edit: I ultimately decided not to get it based on 2 factors.

  1. Dead lobby. I think they have less than 49 people playing right now.

  2. I was going to get it on the switch and a handful of folks here and other places have shared the latest DLC is broken and there is little faith it will be fixed.

A shame really. It had a lot of potential but even the creators seemed forced into doing it rather than actually wanting to do it.