I did a proofing experiment
I've been struggling to get tell if I'm under or over proofed so I decided to so a bit of an experiment today.
I made a batch and split it into 4 sections to make mini loaves. They were fermented together, shaped, then had different proofing times.
75g starter
350 g water
100 g rye
400g bread flour
2tbs salt
My kitchen is 65f.
Mixed in stand mixer followed by an hour rest (3x). Bulk ferment on the counter for an additional 9 hours.
Shaped and put into individual proofing "baskets" (tupperware with napkins) and put into the fridge overnight.
All the baskets were taken out into the counter to continue proofing.
no 1 - 3 hours
no 2 - 6 hours
no 3 - 9 hours
no 4 - 11 hours
Oven - 450 f with dutch oven also preheated. 20 min with lid on then 10 min with lid off.
Results -
6h and above had good oven spring. 3 and 6 both were kind of gummy. 11 hours was probably the best one as it had good oven spring and was a better crumb than any of the others, but had a bad shape because I flubbed the score.
Conclusion - I've been making VERY underproofed bread. I'll be trying an 9-11 hour proof from now on, or until spring.