Fellow soda drinkers of Reddit, how much soda do you allow yourself per week?

I love soda for its carbonation and sweetness, especially Dr. Pepper. For me, nothing beats an ice cold Coke or Dr. Pepper on a long drive or a hot summer day. However, I understand that it’s bad for me and I try to accordingly limit my consumption.

Because this is Reddit, soda drinkers are often attacked by health nuts in many subs for even drinking any soda or fruit juice, or basically anything besides pure water. But come on. Everything is best enjoyed in moderation, and life is short. If someone enjoys a cold glass of soda once a week or so, why should they be attacked for it or demanded to give it up altogether? I personally allow myself 2-4 sodas in one week. Sometimes less, usually just about that number. How about everyone else?

P.S. I’m asking everyone who does drink soda how often they do. I’m not here to be attacked for it or to be told to give it up and only drink water for the rest of my life. There are many worse vices out there.