Baby likes Snoo more than me

I started off loving the Snoo and felt very smug that we had some amazing stretches of sleep because of it. I’m on the Snoo Facebook group and asked what people do for naps and people seemed to say they did naps in the Snoo too. I started doing that once startle reflexes kicked in and it wasn’t possible to nap LO in the living room etc. LO is 13 weeks old now and lately I have noticed she doesn’t want to nap on me as much. She will fuss excessively and it’s a challenge to get her to contact nap. I feel so rejected and feel like she wants to be in the Snoo. I feel like it’s my fault for putting her in the Snoo for naps too. As soon as I became aware of this I started kind of fighting for a contact nap or 2 per day, but baby fusses a lot and I have to really work at it to get her to relax and sleep on me (usually successfully after some crying and a pacifier or bottle). I feel terrible now and like I have not been bonding with baby as much as I could have been. I remember considering the HALO and now wish I had got that. The problem is at this age she will approach the sleep regression and then it will be time to transition her to a crib. I’m so sad about the contact naps being hard, things have improved a little with some perseverance but I feel like all the other mums have the opposite problem and my baby doesn’t need or want me. What else can I do to feel closer to baby and has anyone felt like this? I have Low Legs and think I could do that instead of switch bassinets. I plan to keep trying for 2 contact naps a day and trying baby wearing (another problem as she hates it and again I feel like she doesn’t like me). I can’t think of anything else given her age and approaching the regression and then after that it will be time to put her in a crib. The HALO looks so nice I can’t believeI didn’t consider it properly before - was hell bent on getting the Snoo. It’s great, almost too good though and now I feel like should I have been the one to soothe her rather than it rocking her. Can anyone relate?