S1E6 "Enchanted Forest" has fallen! The Top 3 episodes have been selected! Vote for your least favorite episode remaining.

S1E6, "Enchanted Forest", has been selected as the 4th best episode of Smiling Friends by /r/SmilingFriends! Long live Mip!

We now know the top 3 episodes of Smiling Friends in the eyes of the majority of the voting population of /r/SmilingFriends. Comment or upvote comments naming your least favorite episode remaining. The episode listed in the highest upvoted comment 24 hours from now will be eliminated.

This next vote may be close, so feel free to explain why you feel the way you do towards the episode you list, or defend your favs! Most importantly, have fun (~:

Smiling Friends font used in the graphic created by u/eb_cool_teehee

S1E6, "Enchanted Forest", has been selected as the 4th best episode of Smiling Friends by /r/SmilingFriends! Long live Mip!

We now know the top 3 episodes of Smiling Friends in the eyes of the majority of the voting population of /r/SmilingFriends. Comment or upvote comments naming your least favorite episode remaining. The episode listed in the highest upvoted comment 24 hours from now will be eliminated.

This next vote may be close, so feel free to explain why you feel the way you do towards the episode you list, or defend your favs! Most importantly, have fun (~:

Smiling Friends font used in the graphic created by u/eb_cool_teehee