Geyser, I get merged with these players I have in my friend list but rarely see.

They are a couple. Let's call them Boy and Girl for privacy.

I greet them.

Geyser ends, I go do dailies.

Girl joins me.

Girl: "You shouldn't use my real name. There is a reason I have a nickname"

Me: "Oh ok sorry I didn't know"

Girl: "Yeah ok now you do"

I use the nod emote and offer high five. She ignores that and leaves.

I think about the situation. For the record, I never ask people personal info, she told me her name herself even though we aren't close, so I had no reason to think she was secretive about it.

I still want to apologize.

Teleport to her, she is arguing with Boy "please don't be mad"

Boy (notices me): "here he comes"

Me: bow emote, offer apology heart

Girl: "no thanks I don't need hearts - are you trying to make me fight with my boyfriend?"

Now I understand - he got jealous because I used her name, aitomatically assumed I was making a move on her

Me: "Let me clarify I'm not interested in relationships in this game. I only see you as a skykid"

Girl: "never join me again" (they fly away)

Ok now I am annoyed. I didn't do anything wrong, I apologized, explained myself, and she's still being like that

Me: "You guys are nuts. You told me your name yourself, I never ask for info"

Girl: "Yeah okay whatever byeee"

Me: "Get help" (I leave)

TLDR Greet someone, they get mad