Advice from personal experience milk = acne

I just ended up here scrolling around and I thought I should share my experience just for that one person that i may help.

I have had loads of acne, always. One day at 38 I decided that this was not normal and that something was doing it to me. I have cut on all food types one by one to check if there was a change. Chocolate… nope … gluten … nope … and so on.

And I ve cut dairy products. Bingo. No acne anymore. Goat cheese is fine for exemple, a bit of butter is fine … but cream or ice creams or any cheese from cow’s milk = acne back.

I would have loved somebody to tell me that at 20 but nobody did. So if you are desperate and just don’t know what to do, cut the milk. It may or may not be that but in my case it was, so there you go.