Robyn has forgotten one key thing... her quest to rewrite the sister wives narrative: that the other women were married to Kody and each other for almost 2 decades before she joined. They've been through big ups and downs, raising children, new jobs and schools, as well as personality and interest changes. Does Robyn really believe she knows Kody better than they do? Does she really think the women have never seen Kody angry or struggling? Does she forget they would have mastered his patterns and their own - that they would have been pretty quickly able to identify when he was good with a wife, or fighting with a wife, when a wife was being manipulative?
It's so crazy that they have as much experience with him and each other as they do. And yet Robyn thinks she can pull the wool over their eyes and convince them that he wasn't always at her house, she wasn't manipulating the situation to her benefit, she wasn't talking badly about them or how they treat her. Those women were sister wives so long, any issue would have been like an off key twang from a new instrument where they could easily identify the source. After 20 years they would have had a clear sense of each others' musical notes, so to speak. But Robyn believes she's smart enough to trick them all into agreeing that the new note they hear, the one that's causing all the general discord, is coming from another direction?
The fact that she can sit there with Meri and try and tell Meri (who has known Christine for 30 years at this point AND lived with and raised children with her) who Christine is, is wild. That she would actually try and create a charicature of Christine as this evil woman who has ruined the family, TO a woman who watched Christine for decades be the heart of it even when they had issues... I can't. Robyn is dumber than she thinks she is, and she's lucky Meri is humoring her for these talks.