Graphics cards found 1 matched 0 🆘
I just completed a tutorial to make Sims 3 recognize your graphics card from acottonsock from Youtube and it helped me from found 0 matched 0 to found 1 matched 0 but now I don't know what to do.
I had problem's with the tutorial too, because everyone has a graphics card that says something like "GTX 1080" but mine is displayed as "AMD Radeon(TM) Graphics" in DeviceConfig so no numbers there to put in the GraphicsRules.srg (Forgive me if I wrote something incorrectly).
This is probably where I did something wrong but this is what I did: In DeviceConfig there are two sections: First Machine info and there is "Brand (insert brand here and other stuff)" and then the lower section "Graphics device info" that every tutorial video is using. So I picked the numbers to graphicsrules from the upper section, from brand, because that displays "AMD Ryzen 7 4800HS Radeon Graphics". So now in my Graphicsrules.srg there is written "Radeon 48??" And no idea if that's correct at all.
Anyways, anyone know how I can fix this? If it helps I bought the game from Steam.