AMA with E1331 (professional manchild) on Tuesday 1AM ET👽(5AM GMT)! Ask me Anything but I get to pick what I answer and dont ask me about Silksong and dont ask me about my life and dont ask me about my strong political views and dont ask me about video games and dont ask me about sports thank you

Despite the title, this is a serious AMA. You can indeed ask me anything.

The responses, even if sometimes humorous, will be answered truthfully. I feel like I owe you that much. Afterall these may be my final moments, since I bet my account that we will get something on April 2nd.

Why did I do that? Well it looks like I got tricked, by my brain. It turns out William is in fact not a big fan of mine, and that time when I thought he told me that was a dream and I got confused.

If you have any questions you need answers to, please write them down here and wait for April 1st, thank you.

If you are wondering why am I announcing AMA 9 days before I can actually respond to your comments, it's simple: I type really slow. This sentence alone took me 3 hours to finish.

See you then.