New Group, New GM, New everything... what are the essentials
So I've been hesitant to write this post, cause I suspect there's going to be a lot of "Just don't do it", but a group of guys and I really enjoy games together. I've suggested running a Shadowrun RPG night, and everyone seems pretty into it.
The issue is that I've never GM'd anything, and most of the players are either very green to RPG's, or never played one. We are 100% willing to roll with the punches, and learn as we go, so I'm not really worried about how "perfect" it is... but I would like to get the group off to a good start.
Where I'm at right now, as the GM, I've read most of the Core 53 book (and yeah it's just a mess), so I have a pretty good idea of the mechanics, and how to facilitate a campaign. So my question is two-fold;
1) As a GM, what resources do I absolutely need (Like what are essential for me to do a good job)? Are there other books I should read before we start creating characters? Do people have public spreadsheets to help with rules and calculations (should i even consider this?). I've heard "Fast Food Fight" is a good place to start with pre-made characters, etc.. but what's a good "first campaign"? Maybe the "Beginner Box set" is a better place to start? I'd love to run a few campaigns before getting into writing my own.
2) For the players, what do they need to get going successfully? Just a 5e Core rulebook, or do they need more, like the Beginner Box Set, or the Shadowrun Toolkit: Alphaware? (Both suggested as starting points)
Anyway, thanks a ton for the advice. I did a few quick searches, but didn't really find what I was looking for. Maybe I'm just not searching very well.