This can't continue forever
We usually avoid posts like this because this subreddit is about having medieval-style fun, lightheaded discussion and memery but this is a serious situation that directly relates to us in a way.
Apparently there's a new phenomenon on reddit called snark subreddits. I don't know if every "snark" subreddit is like that or not but it seems to be a trend of using comedy to mask harassment and toxicity towards a famous individual. Whether you like Mr. Klein or not you probably agree this situation has gone out of hand by a group of individuals who are obsessed with an internet personality, gossip about them and defame them regularly and have very deranged reactions to people associated with them. Where have I seen this before?
This isn't an attack, I just think some people need to take a step back and realize what they're doing. Mr. Klein has stated his intetnions of filing a lawsuit against his troll subreddit and if I were running a stalker subreddit I'd be really worried about the legal precedent this may set if the court rules in his favor which is too early to say but I wouldn't be surprised if that happens. Is it really worth it for a person or a couple of individuals to bet their future on the outcome of a lawsuit? If I were in that hypothetical situation I'd be looking for a way out before things get serious. Even if I were an orbiter YouTuber of a deranged cyberstalking subreddit I wouldn't want to have anything to do with them until this whole situation is settled because if a person has no moral convictions or a conscience to do the right thing you'd expect them to do so for self-preservation.
If you haven't followed this particular stalking subreddit (I'm not referring to Mr. Klein's hater subreddit here) you may think they're not comparable to the group this video is about but from raising money to fly a goon to a different country just to supposedly intimidate their target and dare them into a weird irl fight to harassing a smalltime youtuber because she agreed with Shad's opinion about archery and sending their archer ally to meet her in person and basically buy her silence by leveraging the parasocial relationship he had established with her in advance, and let's not forget about their attempts at dragging a random fan of shadiversity channel without any prior training to some weird irl "HEMA sanctioned" duel that was luckily canceled by our intervention. And I'm not even interested in debunking obvious lies and defamatory statements or implications because everyone knows they're simply made in an attempt to provoke a reaction. So this is a very comparable situation given the fact that they have already implicated themself by calling themselves "snarkers" in an official mod post, I will caution them to change for the better for their own good. Get rid of your more radical elements and please regulate activity on your space responsibly and reasonably. Criticism and memes are fine but maybe we can all learn something from this.
- Defending and sympathizing with harassment or stalking in the comment section won't be tolerated.