The 25 innie problem
I've been reading opinions on this matter for the past day or two, and it seems the general consensus to the existence of Gemma's innies is to just brush it off and say that her innies are living a perpetual miserable existence, and they wouldn't want to live anymore.
But that isn't how we talk to people in real life, is it? When someone's life is horrible, plagued with trauma and abuse, what do we say? We tell them that life is still worth living. Why isn't it the same for her innies? Why are we deciding for them that their life isn't worth living anymore?
Would we really think that all 26 (25 rooms + casey) innies would really choose death if given the opportunity for a 'real' experience of life?
If Helly, who found her life to be so miserable that she would end it for the escape of death, ends up finding meaning in it, would it not be the same for at the very least, some of her innies?
Does reintegration even fix this problem? Yes, it may be the ONLY answer for this problem, but is it fair for any of the individuals involved in this process? Gemma, who has to experience the trauma of her innies' experiences. Her innies, who now have no real agency of her life direction, because the only "good" life she's had is the one with Mark.
I don't have an answer to this, but i'm interested in what the community thinks. Also, I think it's funny how cloning would fix all the reintegration problems, which is why it isn't in the show. Now we really have to think about what the correct answer should be.