What we still don't know
Why 25 innies for Gemma? Why Gemma, in particular, like why kidnap her? Why did they have iMark do Gemma's emotions (I read somewhere that innie Mark when new had a newbie record for the fastest sorted MDR file or something... Was that because he was sorting Gemma's and that made him the best candidate? BUT then, why wasn't he as fast with the other files of Gemma?)
OK So their experiment was to see if Gemma's severance into multiple innies, will hold, and if her innie will still be depressed about kids, or not... but we have literally seen how different most innies are, in comparison to their outies. Some similarities remain, like how iMark and oMark behave similarly, and o and iIrving too... but Helly/Helena and o and iDylan are clearly having more different behavioral traits...
Why didn't they just experiment on these folks instead of creating these many innies in a single individual? (sure, having 1 innie per each irritating work may help, to minimize training, and get them to the necessity), but 25 is excessive, and what if no one else is as strong mentally, as Gemma?
IDK, ultimately the experiments for Gemma seems so weird and not well thought out at all.
Incidentally, Lumon's primary directive of severance for all makes sense to test in more individuals that in 1 singular person