How are waffle parties supposed to end?
MDR won a waffle party, and Mark nominated Dylan to participate. Since they were all planning to trigger the OTC, Dylan dipped out before it was over.
So how do they normally go? Visit to Kier’s house in the Perpetuity Wing, eat waffles, wear a “Kier head” paired with “9 Core Principles whip”, sit in Kier’s bed (which normally not permitted), then the 4 Tempers enter the bedroom and dance seductively, then… what? Does Kier then “tame the tempers” using the 9 Core Principles (ie: whipping the shit out of them. Like a sadistic rage room for the innies to released their frustrations)
(Also: not sure if it relates, but Petey drew a Coil Of Doom coming out of the Perpetuity Wing)
Just a thought. Or maybe they do just have an orgy. I dunno. But how do you think it would normally end? (Please only answers that make sense contextually)