Why is no one talking about the eyes?

I’ve seen remarkably little discourse about the intentionality with which this season has focused on certain characters’ eyes. Dr. Mauer’s face was obscured during his first appearance, only for him to be revealed “plot twist” style as a character we’ve never seen before with distinctive blue eyes. Every person we see in Salt’s Neck, including Harmony, has the same piercing blue eyes, with the episode taking time to really focus on this. Milchick’s “recanonicalized” paintings draw specific attention to the uncannily blue eyes. That is, of course, one of Kier’s defining characteristics.

This is not to mention the certain je ne sais quoi that most folks we see in Salt’s Neck share with certain depictions of Kier. Dr. Mauer, in particular, looks (to me) just like the 8-bit version of Kier we see in Season 1. I’ll again say that Mauer’s “big reveal” style introduction makes it seem like this is almost a proactive plot twist for future rewatches or those watching the show for the first time after certain plot details are widely available in the future. Seeing just how expertly foreshadowing was handled in S1 and knowing how much more I enjoyed watching S1 after just a few episodes of S2, I really wouldn’t put that level of forethought past the team behind the show.

Is the focus on blue eyes just a red herring? Is it evidence for Lumon testing gene splicing with Kier’s DNA on the people of Salt’s Neck? Am I missing a thread discussing just this (which is very likely)? What do y’all think?

EDIT: Sissy Cobel doesn’t have blue eyes and she seems to be the strongest devotee to Kier in the whole town. Some of the most extremely devoted members of eugenics-based cults or regimes have historically been those that don’t align with their “ideal” human profile and actively resent and try to compensate for that.