Ms Huang Theory: Who is she?
I believe that Miss Huang is the first person that was severed. Hear me out, it's pretty short into the season but there have been many questions about her age, why she's so young and what made her go through this experience so young. She has mentioned that she used to work as a crossing guard before joining the MDR and at first, I did not think anything of it, maybe they had her watch her innie similar to Helly last season. I believe that Ms Huang has no innie or outie, I believe she just has one, what made me come to this conclusion was seeing Natalie outside the Severance visiting Mark's sister. I don't think any of the workers are severed, I believe all of them are working as their own mind and body. This makes me believe that Miss Huang could be the first person to go through the severed experience and have only just one personality for her character in whole. In order for us to truly find out who she is, we need Miss Huang and Dr. Reghabi to meet.