I cant get into it

So i got sekiro after finishing the other fs games and basically i only heard good things about it.

But i dont get it. I suck at this game and i am not even motivated to learn the combat somehow. When i got into the soul series i just played over and over again until i got it.

And the areas/enemy design. I am only at the third level but i think that the setting is not changing much, not nessecarily a bad thing, but i just dont like this samurai thing.

I try the game for 30 minutes then i just drop it down even when im not stuck at the boss, its just boring for me.

Then theres the build variety. I know that this is on purpose, but theres just sth missing, sekiro is just about deflecting and i have a hard time getting into it. Does somebody remember Wulong Fallen Dynasty (idk if thats the right name)? I completed the story and i was more engaged from the beginning on just bcs you can change the weapon, use spells ect. I know that sekiro is quality wise miles ahead, theres just sth missing.

I really want to like this game, i spent money on it and its high quality. Anyone had the same experience at first or any ideas how to overcome this?

Sorry for the rant