The mob against Scorpio??

Somedays I genuinely hate being my sign. We get a really bad rep in the press for all these negative traits. Then when we put in the work to mould and chabge ourselves for the better we still get placed in this stereotype that we're bad people I see it all the time on socials and it causes self resentment.

Narcissistic, liars, unreasonable, crazy, anti-social, mean people. But as soon as I am to call them out I'm the worst person to exist and I really hurt this or that person. Maybe I just have really shitty people around me who just use me to benefit themselves.

But I just feel so much pain and agony. I don't have many friends anymore at least real friends. And I've been doing lots of independent healing. I just feel like a failure sometimes. and want to do better for myself.

Why do you think Scorpio's get such a bad wrap by others.

Signed a Scorpio.