Scorpio broke up with me

We were dating for almost 9 months long distance and he was trying to be my boyfriend for 7 months before I finally accepted being his girlfriend. He came to my country to break up with me, it was completely out of the blue and he just said we weren't compatible, that he didn't think I was the right person for him and that he wouldn't marry me (I think i pressured him too hard). He broke up with me on Monday and I thought he was being impulsive and I tried to be rational about it, I really fought for our relationship and he was thankful that I did. We got back together, he bought me flowers and a letter saying how much he loves me, that im the light of his life and that he couldnt wait for us to live together and make our dreams come true together. Then I was overthinking the next day because I was feeling so insecure and already grieving the relationship, I asked him if he could live without me and the next day he broke up with me for real. He caught me off guard, I decided to go no contact with him and he went back to his country. How can I win him back?