Mortified By My New Job

I accepted a job that starts in two weeks.

But it's not remote, it's hybrid. So some days I'll have to go in.

At the interview, they said building a rapport would make me better at my job. Also, the days at home.involve Zoom Meetings.

I'm horrified by interact. I don't like people.

I have been abused a lot. In fact, 10 minutes ago, I fell out with a friend of 13 years after he told me to fuck off and shut the fuck up. He has also called me a dummy,, a dolt, and a crazy bitch, out of nowhere.. My ex BFF of 17 years called me a cheap whore and an angry bitch, unprovoked. And thats not even the half of it.

So I'm angry at the world. I don't like people and I'm afraid of them. I feel very uncomfortable in their presence. I judge them in my head to cope, but that doesn't do much.

The verbal abuse triggered suicidal ideation.
