how can i stop spending money on break food / snacks at work?

i work in a grocery store (20F) most days my schedule allows for a break in the morning, an hour for lunch, and a break in the afternoon. i can’t seem to grasp the concept of self control and end up overspending each time i go on these breaks, even when i’m not hungry. for background, i make pretty decent money working there and could easily be putting $500+ a month into my savings account but instead i can only seem to afford $200 a month because of my bad habits.

i tried putting money on a gift card and only allowing myself $150 a month. to give some of you an idea of how bad it is- i purchased it february 1 and the card had a zero balance by february 17. i easily find myself spending anywhere from $10-$30 a day if not more on these break food purchases. i tried leaving my debit / credit card at home, and ended up just using venmo to pay instead. i have tried bringing food from home but just ignore it and buy something anyway. i’ve tried literally EVERYTHING i can think of. i can’t seem to find a way to stop spending money on the food and i can’t help myself. it’s not the food im worried about- it’s the lack of self control that has me upset about the reckless spending and thinking about how many dollars i waste on food at work.

DISCLAIMER: i am a perfectly healthy weight 😂 and i have a good $5k in my savings account and i’m not in debt by any means (besides a couple hundred dollars left on my student loan) i am perfectly fine financially i just need to stop spending money on food so i can be even more financially comfortable!