Cody & Satori's method is 100% real
I know that's not what you want to hear, but it's the truth. I'm just the messenger, and the message I wish to send into this world is: The skepticism towards Cody & Satori's authentic gift is overblown, the critics are taking their negative opinions to the extreme, and they're attempting to frame coincidences as foul-proof evidence of debunking.
It feels like I'm fighting a lone war. 1 vs 100. 1 man of faith versus countless men of science. I wish the "other side" which believes in the supernatural wasn't so vehemently silenced. All I ask for is an unbiased discussion which takes consideration from all viewpoints, but the community's overwhelming bias against Cody & Satori is setting a precedent which tarnishes the credibility of the paranormal even more than previously established. I wish others would appreciate the beauty that the spiritual world lends itself to.
I fear for the next medium who just so happens to make an appearance on Sam & Colby's channel. Everyone will immediately resort to skepticism, discredit their unique talents, and find loosely matching coincidences to debunk their method.
My advice to all of you is: dial down the unnessescary, unforgiving skeptiscm a tad bit.
You may be surprised at how mysterious the universe truly is.
Onwards and upwards.
All will be well.
I can't convince you to believe, but I can give you the tools needed to cross that path.
The answer is faith.
Just have a little faith 🙏