1500 point lost

Hey all, me and a buddy split a leviathan box awhile back and we are looking to expand our lists to around ~1500 points or so. I am open to removing units already in my list to make a more balance one so any feedback is helpful

  • Captain w/ relic shield : 80 points

  • Captain in Terminator: 95 points

  • Librarian in Terminator: 75 points

  • Lieutenant w/ Combi: 70 points

  • Heavy Intercessors: 110 points

  • Ballistus Dreadnaught: 130 points

  • Bladeguard Vets: 90 points

  • Eradicator squad: 100 points

  • 10 Infernus Marines: 180 points

  • Sternguard Vet squad: 100 points

  • Terminator Squad: 170 points

Total: 1200 points

Again not everything here needs to be in the final list. I am willing to take units in/out to get to 1500.
