Cassia's color system?


The colors have no true meaning per color. Its about the intent behind such colors and the painting they draw (the soul). Cassia's colors can mean multiple things at the same time but their uses are more about setting a tone than being a descriptor.

For example: multiple characters have a vast array of colors on their soul consistently, but each characters rainbow has a completely different meaning. Idira's "riot of colors" can be seen as the warp harassing her mind with chaos (not that chaos this time), but Yrliet is a blinding array of colors because Aeldari souls are just more grand (yrliet said it, im no heretic)

There is however some consistency with certain colors based on general ideas, like blood red NORMALLY being a dangerous color but in Kibellah's case, its unbiased and dominating the palette

Thank you to everyone who assisted in the comments with more information and personal accounts. You all get +5 Lore (Imperium)

"I know the obvious ones like red being malice or green being duty, and the saturation is tied to intensity, but everywhere I looked dosent have a complete list of colors and their meanings." - Idiot me from original post

UPDATE: I reached out towards owlcat for clarification but it seems they want us as rogue traders to make our own opinions through gameplay. Although its not the answer i wanted its still respectable. here is their reply