Lets discuss psychic awakening.


  1. First of all - why are the awakening talents locked for me? Requirement basically just lists all the companions as prerequisite. Maybe there is a plot point for this that I don't know of?
  2. Assuming I get the first question answered and will pick it up eventually - would someone becoming a psyker be mentioned story wise? Because it is kinda a big deal, more unsanctioned psykers besides Idira on the ship.
  3. The talent suggests that the Cassia can pick it up at some point, navigator is on that list. Isn't that against the lore? Pretty sure Navigators can't be psykers.. because they already ARE a variant of a different stable psyker gene. Though ironically I think that from a mechanical point of view, she would be the only one you would probably pick this up on, because she has high WP, while none of the other companions do.
  4. How feasible do you think it is mechanically? Is it worth? Do we have enough levels to make something useful out of it, because at the very least would need to spend a ton into increasing psy rating from 0.