Democrats of Greece, please sign petitions for the election this year!

I'm a member of the Greece Democratic Committee. The short version is that it's the responsibility of committee members to endorse and support candidates for elections. When you think of "the party" you're either thinking of elected officials or committee members.

Currently it's petitioning season, which is when candidates need to collect signatures to get on the ballot at all. Democrats need Democratic signatures, Republicans need Republican signatures. Happens every year.

I've done 2 different petitioning shifts and it is rough. Tons of people aren't home at all, which fair enough. But there have been so many people that are clearly home and won't even answer their door. I don't know if it's because people assume I'm selling something or just distrust randos ringing their doorbell. Next year I might get a hat or shirt or something to very clearly(and from far away) identify me as a member of the Democratic party.

I've also had about 10 people that I know for a fact are registered Democrats. They've voted in at least 2 of the last 3 elections. And they tell me they have no interest in signing a petition or even telling me why.

I'm mostly venting because it's disheartening to see the complete apathy from Democrats.

In case you're interested in who's running: And Jim Leary(I couldn't find a website) is running for Town board as well