how did people react to your decision of getting a reduction?

hi guys, how are you? :) hope you’re well! 💜

first of all, i KNOW this shouldn’t matter. this question should Not be on my top list of priorities right now because after all none of these people i’ll refer to are thd ones living with that painful weight.

but i just wanted to have a chat with some of you who already had the reduction/are close to getting it, so i can calm my nerves a little with answers from real people.

so..basically i have a VERY judgmental family. since i was a child, all of them had opinions on my body, on my clothes, on my hair…i grew up to be a terribly insecure adult that needs their family’s approval for everything.

when i finally had the courage to tell my parents i wanted to do the sugery they just brushed it off by saying i just “had to lose weight” and the problem would be solved. my mom ofc, just turned her back and said “your breasts are not even big enough for that. we are not wasting our money.”

problem is. i already did lose weight. i lost almost 60 pounds and the pain in my chest and back is still as terrible as ever to the point i can’t enjoy ANYTHING. I can’t sleep, every single time i get on bed its just hours and hours of trying to find a position that hurts less and I wake up with my whole back tense, and full of knots.

i can’t wear cute oufits, i can’t have a fun night out with my friends, i can’t breathe. i can’t do anything in a normal way. but my family doesn’t believe me, doesn’t take me seriously..did anyone else had that reaction from their family? how did you handle it?

also i am single now, but when i had a “partner” he said the thing he liked most about my body was my chest, so i guess another question is…for the single people did you notice a change in the way people approach you after the reduction? and when it comes to the ones in relationships how did your partner react to your decision/post op?

i’m sorry if these questions are silly, i just feel so alone rn. i tried talking about this with my friends/therapist but at the end of the day they never 100% get my pain or my frustration and i guess i wanted to talk directly with people who maybe would.

thank you very much if you read till here. wishing you all only good things <3✨

(english is not my first language, i apologize if this is confusing)