Are there any ways to speed up the detox?

Hello guys! I'm on day 3 of a complete medication detox. Im doing it medically unassisted, although I have an appointment with my neurologist on Wednesday, but I don't know if this is what I'm suffering from.

I get headaches every day ranging in severity with 2-4 migraine days a week. But on the in between days I take ibuprofen and paracetamol and CBD:THC oil. I take that oil or smoke weed every day. By reading a lot on Reddit, I realised that maybe the THC is causing rebound headaches on the in between migraine days?? There is an article saying that people who use marijuana have a 6 times greater chance of having MOH. I don't think I took a crazy amount of ibuprofen but probably 4 times a week with the weed every day. Do you think it's rebound??

So now I'm doing a complete detox and it sucks as you all know, I feel like complete and utter rubbish. Not drinking coffee, although I'm having a few matchas here and there, and just using cold and heat to ease it, and having a lot of tumeric and crying a lot. I also started this smoothie although who knows if it will do anything:

Anyhow - is there any way to speed this detox up because I feel aaaaaawful and I have to work tomorrow. And peace and love to my fellow detoxers <3