Reputation: No Fault Friendly Fire

I’m an older player and new to the game. I do take the reputation component pretty seriously and try to be a positive influence to my team and do whatever I can to temper the toxic negativity that sometimes permeates the game.

The one aspect of this rank system that really bugs me is what I consider to be no fault friendly fire. Sitting there holding an angle ready to engage. Opponent peeks and we exchange fire. Teammate seeking additional kills or has complete lack of spatial awarnesss comes barreling into line of fire from flank. Boom, he’s down.

And like that, bye bye exemplary rank. Overall I think the addition of the reputation system will temper the environment and make players a bit more aware of their surroundings and to slow the fk down a bit. But, it drives me fking insane to be punished for an idiot move from an overzealous teammate rather than my own.

I’d like to know community thoughts on this.