Ups and Downs
I've been collecting various radioactive relics for a few months and I was really enjoying the experience.
Recently, I met an aircraft instrument repairsmen, the man was very knowledgeable, he's trained and had some nice toys. A few old survey monitors and another device I never got the brand of.
I had a look, he explained each item and its purpose, it's "dose" measured in µSv/hr, and the dangers associated with radium and radon, but didn't get into detail when it comes to the decay of radon. We did discuss decontamination procedures, radon mitigation, and long-term storage.
Is it that bad to keep the bare faces/dials in a bag, in an open cardboard box, next to a window, in a garage that's vented every day? What would you do?
I really appreciate any advice, I don't have kids or animals, I have a GMC-300S and haven't taken anything indoors. I didn't take any photos during the sale or of the measurements but they're written down if you're interested.
TLDR; I'm an idiot and bought bare radium parts from military aircraft instruments. Is it possible to store these properly, in a plastic bag, in a cardboard box, in a ventilated garage?