Mauricio airport photo taken by passer-by?

As European RHOBH fan I wonder if these ladies realize that any regular ”reality TV enthusiast” tourist with a cellphone could have recognized Mauricio at the Greek AirPort and taken the pictures & video? I have been to Greece like six times and the airports are not crowded & we don’t have paparazzis. But some people here watch these American reality shows 🤩 Maybe some passer-by just took the chance and sold the pictures?

As European RHOBH fan I wonder if these ladies realize that any regular ”reality TV enthusiast” tourist with a cellphone could have recognized Mauricio at the Greek AirPort and taken the pictures & video? I have been to Greece like six times and the airports are not crowded & we don’t have paparazzis. But some people here watch these American reality shows 🤩 Maybe some passer-by just took the chance and sold the pictures?