Help a girl out…no but really.

I will admit, (much to some of y’all’s dismay im sure)…..I was a victim of the juul-demic in my high school years.

juuls turned into stigs, turned into bangs, turned into mega puffs, turned into lost mary’s.

and now im done, i genuinely can’t take this shit anymore. being 15 when juuls came out was all fun and games until I messed around and found out addiction isn’t something to play with.

so im looking for advice, I’ve gone successfully 24 hours with no nicotine (mind you its because I left my vape in a different part of the state), and if you have anything to say please say it. say it with gumption, say it with truth, speak your mind, I need some help with this one because it’s hard. it seems after 24 hours I’ve begun to start looking up where the closest vape shop is.

this is harder than I thought. Plz help, much love if you do. much indifference if you don’t.