Why do women adamantly refuse to admit that the way they talk about penis size affects how men view themselves?
I've seen a few posts about penis size today, and between those posts, it seems as though women in this sub collectively view men as "being obsessed with their dick" and seem to believe that its just an inherent part of being a man, that there's no real reason behind it. If they do speculate a reason for it, it's always "porn brain."
In one of these posts, I talked about my experience with being body shamed and I was told that making fun of men's size did NOT count as body shaming, that it's just poking fun of an insecurity.
I thought about it and I honestly believe this is how most women feel, they don't consider it to be body shaming. Which kinda adds up with experiences I've had, or seeing experiences other men have had with talking about being body shamed, and the responses from women in a majority of cases typically just boils down to "Actually, women don't do that."
Or when the phrases "big dick energy" and "small dick energy" come up, women typically insist that it has nothing to do with body shaming because "we're just talking about personality" but seem to fail to see how attributing the worst personality traits with men who have small dicks while also atteibuting the best personality traits to men who are well endowed. It seemed, to me, that women failed to understand that it's essentially saying that not being well endowed is a moral failing.
At first i figured it was just blind denial, but if women really feel like mocking men for their size doesn't count as body shaming, then it'd make more sense for them to insist that women do not body shame men.
But why would you not see it as body shaming? And if you don't, would you also say that women aren't a tuslly body shamed either? That men are just poking fun at insecurities? Or do you believe it's somehow different?