
Not sure if this is common in other cities but this just happened to me. I have been a member for 7 years . I have 2 small (growing up now ) kids and teach 1st grade full time. Money is tight . I budget in order to afford my membership. Recently a new studio (same owner) opened at a location closer to my house (20 min vs 30). It seemed perfect and I was so happy until the new GM sent me a msg that could no longer support my “behaviors” These behaviors included - 3x calling to say I was “late” (still 2 min before class started ) and 2 late cancellations. These classes , except the 5 am, are never booked full. I guess I didn’t realize the severity of these actions because for the previous 6 years at a different location they had not been punishable. I do understand that cancelling at the last min is not great, as it prevents other members from signings up. But calling ahead to let them know I’m coming , how harmful is that? I would rather do that then speed and endanger myself or others in the process. The new GM told me that I am on probation and there are a new set of rules that I apply to only just me. These include the following : I will need to arrive 10 minutes before class begins and no late cancellations allowed. If this happens will not be allowed to continue my membership. Since I have been a member Pure Barre for so long at the other studio and had been “behaving” this way I guess didn’t really realize the seriousness of this email. Then it happened . The following day I received an email from the GM at the other studio in town (same owner) that my membership was being refunded and I was no longer a member. This was because the studio had tried to pull late cancellation fees from my debit card only to find it did not work. Instead of calling to clarify, the studio immediately kicked me out. I was so confused so I emailed back. Apparently, they misunderstood and thought that I had pulled my card out and took off so I didn’t have to pay the late fees. I told him this was not the case. I had been a member for seven years and I was not considering leaving because it had helped me so much with my lower back issues . Life happens, I know it does to others, including the GM and the owner of the two studios so for that reason I was not getting too upset and provided the studio with a new debit card number. After that happened the classes on my app unlocked and I was allowed to book. I showed up to my class and immediately noticed no one said hello and there was a few side eye glances from the instructor . One of the overly confident baristas that I had never met came over and set up variable semi and told me that I needed to leave. I was no longer welcome there. She had just received a phone call from the owner and then I had to leave now . There is still several ladies circulating about the retail store who all began to stare. I was confused since no one ever talk to me about this on the phone or in person. I come to class almost every single day and why was it so hard for a general manager or the owner to come down and tell me in person House severe things were with the cancellation policy and not arriving 10 minutes early under the new guidelines they had for me. The barista and trainers, who apparently did not know about the situation never said anything was wrong and would always greet me with the happy face and told me that I had plenty of time when I was arriving close to the start of class .
It’s not that I don’t take responsibility for arriving so close to the start of class or having a few late cancellations, but it’s just the way that things were handled. How hard would it have been for the owner to come down to the studio and say you know you’ve been a member for seven years, but things are different now And we need to part ways . Instead email was the only way they communicated with me. And I do realize that the people working in the studio are not shy to all the information that the owner and general managers are, but the fact that I was never once talked to in person about this or had a genuine conversation on the phone with really sucked. The worst part is that I have been a member there for the past seven years and I am always booked on the schedule at least a week out of time because I know what classes I will attend. How hard would it have been for someone to look at the schedule to see that I’m coming to drive John to the studio if you are a general manager or owner and talk to me in person They assigned the work to a barista who pushed me out in front of everybody and made me feel really embarrassed . What has changed in the past year? Is this some sort of national policy for the company that you must arrive? 10 minutes early? It’s hard to go , for the past seven years i have I lost both of my parents and PB was a mental outlet and boost. The owner claims that she talk to me when I was a member of the other studio and told me she did not appreciate me being late and I made improvements. Why couldn’t she come down and talk to me in person. I would have understood. After spending over $6000 over the past 7 years at her two studios I at least deserved that .