My one problem with "My Best Friend Is an Eldritch Horror"

I recently finished book 3 of this series. When I started reading I was really engaged, it really has a strong beginning and I do think these 3 books are entertaining, the world is interesting, writing and prose are good, dialogue could use some effort, but it's not bad. But as I read more and more I found that I'm less and less engaged, without understanding why, until I reached certain "arc" in chapter 3.

It's Pacing. I feel there is little build up with fast conclusions, it kind of sucks any emotion and investment I have with these series. Because of how fast everything is spaced, where there would be an arc in other series, here it just fills couple of chapters and so many scenes feels kind of anticlimactic.

And I can't think of better example, but it involves spoilers for book 3.

[Spoilers for book 3]"The Labyrinth was kind of hyped thorough the book as mysterious and dangerous place where only students can enter and get amazing artifacts. So once our characters gets there, few things happen supper fast: "MC encounters way too strong monster, he runs, super strong bad guy shows up, super strong good guy shows up, they fight a little and are gone, the MC finds immediately the artifact they were looking, the end" I didn't feel nothing through the chapters, well beyond disappointment, the characters didn't even gain anything tangible thorough the whole Labyrinth "arc". I feel it could have been amazing arc with proper build up, something like "Ghostwater" book from cradle series, but here it felt that just things happening.

Also a bit of a minor gripe is that the author could bit more effort in describing emotional scenes and emotional introspection. You feel threat, dread and large stakes of a scene not through the action described in the scene, but from characters emotions. If a character gets near death and it doesn't linger on emotional state of characters involved, some readers might not really feel any emotional investment. I think it's also a consequence of a fast pace.

I still think they quite good books, with interesting concepts, but it would have been amazing, with slower pacing.