Points for Notes - Shouldn't This be Easy?
Teaching online asynchronous classes. Most students have not been watching assigned lectures or even clicking on most assigned readings in recent semesters. So this semester, I have them 1) highlight/underline text and 2) write handwritten notes regarding all assigned readings, then upload their annotated text and handwritten notes. For lectures, they just upload handwritten notes.
Good news: Rates of clicking on readings and lectures are up a lot. Bad news: I thought I'd be handing out 100% on nearly all of these. Nope. Less than half of students earn full credit. Instead, most students submit only part of what is required and earn partial credit. I'm trying to give points for doing the bare minimum and they refuse to do the bare minimum even when it becomes clear that their grade will suffer as a result.
Many of the students copy every word of my Powerpoint slides. But they write nothing to indicate that they listened to the verbal lecture, so they get marked down for that.
Yes, I know AI can generate notes. This is by no means foolproof. It's just an attempt to get students more engaged with assigned material (and that is working somewhat). It's not going as well as I hoped, though anything is an improvement from the rock bottom of last semester - at least I hope so.