Students terrified to be wrong
How are you going about encouraging students to answer questions even if they are wrong? I have been asked by multiple students not to call on them if they don’t have their hand up. This was surprising as my entire college experience I had to be prepared to be called on at any time and if I got something wrong I could learn from it, learn which parts of my thought process were working and which weren’t, and engage with the class, etc.
Now, it’s like they’re absolutely terrified to say anything if it’s not 100% correct. I even had a student leave something blank on a test that they easily could’ve gotten correct because they weren’t sure and they’d rather not try than get it wrong. I teach 5 core classes and they’re all like this.
I have students whisper the right answer, and when I ask them to speak up so the class can hear, they backpedal and assume they’re not right. How are you supposed to learn if you’re never wrong??? I’ve verbalized that my classrooms are places where you can get things wrong with no judgment from me, and that getting things wrong are excellent learning opportunities for the whole class because it gives me the chance to deep dive into the process to find the right answer, and that chances are someone else is also wrong and needs that conversation. These are such quiet classes, nobody speaks up, discussions are like pulling teeth.
Has anyone found anything that works for groups like this?