First-time instructor feeling guilty

Hello all- I am a PhD student and this summer was my very first time teaching as instructor of record. I’ve seen posts on here referencing behaviors of undergrad students who are failing and want to guilt you into passing them, but wow, I am a little surprised at the intensity of an email I received. 5+ paragraphs saying that they have no excuse for not doing any of the coursework this summer, but if they don’t pass the class they can’t graduate, can’t afford to take the class again, this will throw off their life trajectory, etc etc. They sent me this a few hours before final grades were due, so there wasn’t really an extension I could give them…

Still, I feel weirdly guilty or like I should’ve somehow tried to let them turn things in past the final due date, while simultaneously worrying that the student will somehow convince my chair/the dean/whoever that I’m being cruel and unusual. I know I just need to get used to it as it’s part of the job, but the level of emotional manipulation shocked me! 🥲