I’m afraid my husband does not believe in God…

The title says it all… we have a 9 month old daughter who is perfect. A little background: I would go to church sporadically the past two years with my brother but my husband wouldn’t. He would always come up with an excuse. When we got married almost six years ago we would sporadically go to church together but he’d come up with excuses to not go. He used to touch my hand during prayers, but that has changed. Now me and my daughter have been going to church consistently since she was 3 months and he has gone one time with me - Mothers Day - and that’s because his mother begged him to. I don’t know what exact prayers we need, but I know he needs people praying for him… please if you have an extra second say a prayer for my husband. I would also like prayers for myself too… I’m struggling and I feel selfish even asking but I need them.