The unspoken bias of Collateral and Gore in perception of power scaling.

With Invincible Season 3 coming to an end and a lot of talk about it in power scaling and vs battles communities, I can't help but notice this one weird bias of ordinary viewers.

That is the more gory a show is, the higher their perception of the strength those characters. For examples I will use Invincible and The Boys

This habit isn't present in people who know the rules of powerscaling and calcs, but rather the peons who look at something that looks more destructive and think that is more impressive than something strong but not that impressive looking.

Let's start with Invincible. Everyone wanks Nolan to high hell because of his Flaxxan planet feat. Because it looks impressive, lots of destruction. But.

This is just small country level. Not to mention we don't know what the atmosphere of Flaxxan planet is. All we know it's 30% methane and that's why Omniman can burn it up so fast.

But this feat is rather Unimpressive compared to this

That's Superman going up against a Gravity beam that was shifting the mass of the entire planet.

Show this to Invincible fans and they would die before accepting that Nolan's feat is weaker than Superman's. Because Nolan's feat looks bigger.

Or for example take My Hero Academia. Blatant multi continental feat of Weather change. But no big boom and countries destroyed so again people would rather die than accept it.

Now let's go to a lower scale. From Collateral to Gore.

Homelander is often overplayed by people who have no idea of powerscaling because he tears humans apart so easily

What do you think is more impressive. Homelander tearing Webweaver in half or Butcher getting slammed into a desk so hard that it shattered.

It's actually butcher because wood has much higher compression rate.

But to the ordinary viewer Homelander looks far more impressive. Kimiko's feats aren't stronger than Low level demons and vampires that Dean and Sam fight off, but no one accept that Dean has a chance against Kimko because Kimiko brutally rips people apart while Dean doesn't.

Pretty everyone who isn't familiar with powerscaling has a lot of bias towards Collateral damage and gory feats rather than feats with higher calculated power.

What do you think ?