Western democracy has died and America is slipping into fascism.

Western democracy has died and America is finding out what leads a nation to fascism

Read this whole thing I am studying civics and am trying to keep my bias separate from this conversation. I am on your side and want the freedom for everyone to get what they want just like you regardless of your political view. Playing with politics is extremely complex beyond the understanding of any person. Democracy is a system where the ultra wealthy have to help out every class of people and has been proven over hundreds of years of politics to be the best of governing a growing modern society. Like it or not without democracy the rich have no incentive to help the poor. If either side get too much power then democracy gets lost; it is lost if you don’t need to see that what you're implementing is for the best of a nation because you have full control.

The reason countries help out the little man instead of just negotiating between world superpowers is because we have progressed as a society to the point where we are willing to loose some money at the cost of not letting the big bad guys win. This is NATO. Western diplomacy is going back in time in front of our very eyes as we can see countries privatising as oppose to functioning as a collective society where everyone helps their allies.

Democracy has died in America and the west is slipping into fascism at a rate hitler only could have dreamt of.

Trump has full control. He has literally followed every single step that fascist rulers have used to gain control of a divided nation, like this is no longer a democracy and America is hurdling towards fascism faster than anyone could have imagined. Through tricking you that a culture war is more important than social change he has tricked you into thinking that there is a problem with democracy and he has the solution. This is what fascist and communist revolutions have in common. An easy way to get the poor and uneducated on your side as the needy are the most likely to accept radical change, change is good but history has found multiple times that politics is complex and using strong emotions to gain the power to create a sudden change in the system never ends well. Instead of spending money on his country why is he just wanting more spending cuts so he can sit on more and more money with Elon Musk, who tampered with the German far right mind you. Before you call me a sissy leftist know that I do not care much about LGBT rights or anything but Trump has convinced you that this is an issue halting the country’s growth when in reality it doesn't make anyone’s quality of life better all it does is make bigots feel good. It is a parallel to how Hitler used the Jews as a scapegoat to gain control. Does renaming the Gulf of Mexico make quality of life better for anyone? No. What about removing all trans from the military? Also no. He is doing this to keep his base loyal so they don’t question the fact he isn't making anyone’s life better besides him and his cronies.